Monday, October 03, 2005

Welcome! iBienvenidos! Bienvenue!

Hello Friends! Welcome to my new home on the web! I will (try to) update this frequently now, as it is much easier with Blogger and I can add want to see pictures, don't you??

Blahblahblah this is better for me yadda yadda let's get going.

(Did I mention the Rich Text format? Whoo!)

So I have a Russian Literature class this semester that has been particularly...challenging. By "challenging" I mean "Making me so upset I want to drop out." Russian Lit is not known for it's levity and with everything else I deal with it just seemed like a bad combo. Add a very bitter and angry professor and it just gets worse. Last week he started reading out loud from a script used to test how severely people would shock a test subject - Milgram's Experiment. (Don't look it up, it will only make you upset). Well, as he was reading this script used to fool the tester that the subject was really being electrocuted, he laughed. Loudly. So did the students. I left the room crying.

This has now passed, and I still loathe going to class. Today, however, was different. Shall we say it "Lightened the Load?" He was doing his usual literary masturbation while we were all trapped captive in a tiny box of a room (learning a la veal), when he started talking, once again, about how shitty the world is and how humans are absolutely horrible creatures. Right after that acid-tart brain dump, he continued about himself and how he is an idealist.

What the fuck?!

Idealist my ass! I mused over this while he continued yammering on about the human spirit and how he "expects the best but hopes for the worst" which sounds like it makes sense at first, but eventually doesn't. He then quoted Pink Floyd and how "you can't have your pudding until you eat your meat." This is when I perked up. It was odd. Then he said he was searching for his closet full of pudding because one is due to him someday and maybe at this point it's a gymnasium full of pudding...

Then it hit me. This guy is NUTS!!

Not literally mentally insane, but he CLEARLY has some serious problems with reality and delusion. So I realized what I needed to do. Just write the papers he asks for, read the stuff he asks you to read, and you should do just fine. It even says that on the syllabus!

I have worked out an agreement with a friend in that class. I come to class so he can read my book during the lectures. This gets me in the door. The professor is a total bummer to listen to, but I won't take it personally from now on. The ramblings of a crazy man do not hold the same weight as a sane one who really means what he is spitting at you.

Woohoo! Freedom!

-Pjamms :-)

P.S. As promised, here is a picture. It's the Spaghetti Squash I had for dinner. FUNTIME!

Mmm. Squashy! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Your spasquashy looks yummy. How does it taste?

Pjamms said...

It tasted very tomatoey and garlicy with a crunch from the squash - I highly recommend it. Just slice it in half and scoop out the seeds, put it face down on a cookie sheet for about an hour and 15, then scrape out the "meat" with a fork and eat with sauce! Mmm!