Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Day 1 - Vacation Pictures Phase II

I arrived at Ontario Airport and went to baggage claim to get my bag. My electric razor had turned on somehow in the bag and it was going "NEEEEEEEEH!" and shaking ever so slightly as it passed by on the belt. What's funny is that all the security guards were standing there doing absolutely NOTHING about it. I thought this was ridiculous at first, then I realized it probably happened all the time and they were afraid it was a dildo or something. Heh.

I snapped a picture of this mountain outside baggage claim, or as I have named it, "Mount Smoggy McFoggyBottom." They certainly don't look like this in Utah...

My cousin came and we left the airport...

We had dinner and wonderful conversation at Grand Burger (Turkey Burger! Yum!) and went to her dad's house. She lives here.

We chatted for a long, long time and my friend had asked me to take a picture of the sunset in L.A. so I did from the backyard.

Stay tuned! More to come!

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