Thursday, October 06, 2005

Late Update

Hi there.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning, in which I discovered my heart has a "slight" murmur and will need an Echo Cardiogram (when you get dye in your heart and they take a look-see), my spine has a bulge in the L5 region which explains the momentary SHARP PAINS I've been having down my leg (Sciatica) and my furnace isn't working correctly.

On the plus side, my friends Ken and Jen came over last night and we laughed our asses off watching "Strangers With Candy" and Ken got my pilot light lit and told me how to do it in the future. It was really great to see them as always. :-) Oh yeah, and the maintenance guy is fixing my furnace today AND I have a candy bar.

Here's a pretty picture for you to gaze upon. It's my Chia Homer and ceramic fish on the wall in my bathroom. Yeah.

Have a lovely Thursday.

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