Monday, October 10, 2005

Raking Tisks.


I'm sitting here waiting to go to my Russian Lit class. For the longest time I would wake up with just enough time to jump in the shower and fly out the door (sans breakfast) to school 5 minutes late. That just didn't seem like a good way to do things, so I set my alarm 3 hours before class starts. I have time to laze around (update this blog) and leisurely drink coffee while watching the Weather Channel.

Someone just coughed outside. Who the hell is up at this ungodly hour?

I'm sure you all do this already, but to someone who never did before, this is nice! I like having all this extra time. Of course, when my alarm doesn't go off (see two days back) it can be a problem, but most of the time it's nice. Plus, I have time to use my espresso maker and have hazlenut espresso...mmm...

So there you have it. Getting up early is the shizzy. Here is a picture of my bed after it's been made in the wee hours.

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