Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Good morning!

I have a problem. There is an enormous tub of Red Vines in my kitchen and I don't know what to do with them. It started innocently enough, I was grocery shopping with my friend and we came across the licorice on sale. She noted how good of a deal it was - it really was a great deal - so I enthusiastically purchased it and took it home. After awhile I came to the following realizations:

1. Red Vines do NOT taste like Twizzlers (my preferred licorice).
2. I have enough to feed a small army.
3. The army won't eat them because...
4. They get stuck in your teeth easily and...
5. They most certainly do NOT taste like Twizzlers!

In short, they won't GO AWAY. Sometimes I want something a little sweet so I'll grab a couple for a snack. Within seconds I'm thinking "Gee...I sure wish I had Twizzlers."

Now, the responsible thing to do would be to eat them all (not at once) and get Twizzlers at that point. But due to the extremely slow rate of consumption, I don't know if that will ever happen! So, my question to you, dear blog readers, is:

"What can you do with Red Vines besides eat them from the package?"

Is there anything else I can do with them? Use them in a recipe? Melt them into a cleaning solution? Decoupage? Hello??

Please let me know. And if you live locally (or not) and really fancy Red Vines, GET OVER HERE! They WON'T GO AWAY!!

Thank you.

-Pjamms :-)

Here they be:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Pjamms,

The answer to your problem is clear. Simply get invited to a potluck dinner by someone you dislike. When you arrive, you can hand him or her a “slightly used” container of Red Vines. Since you don’t like this person anyway, it won’t matter if they are offended. And if you really dislike this person, you have just ensured never to be re-invited back for anything, you cheap, Red Vine-giving jerk!

Jim G.