Thursday, December 29, 2005

See Ree Owl

So I'm having some Cheerios and it reminded me of something. You know how some people don't like to drink the milk? Well, I've read that the vitamins and minerals the cereal "has" are sprayed on in the last step of processing so if you don't drink the milk you're basically eating a bowl of sugar and flour.

(I just tried to find a source for that info and I won't even tell you what strange-ass results "drinking milk" came up with. Ew. If you can find a good source for the info I just pontificated PLEASE send it to me.)

You can buy a whole grain cereal (such as Cheerios which is what I am enjoying right now) but you still have to drink the milk. Granted most cereal is so processed that it doesn't really matter if there are whole grains in it or not. It's just another quick and easy way to become diabetic is all...

I guess it goes back to that ol' problem of how food can kill you. All food. Any food. Give it enough time and someone will come up with a way it can kill you.

It's too much to worry about. There are so many things to freak over I'm just not going to CARE. No more! I'm free!!

I'm just going to sit here with my vision-degenerating CRT monitor (see the glasses?), my carpal tunnel keyboard setup, my back wrenching chair and enjoy this bowl of diabetes.

After I stretch.

And go to the gym.

And take a multivitamin.

Have a nice day.

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