Sunday, December 11, 2005

Exercise and Mappercize

Hi there.

I exercised with my dad again today and it went really well. My back was stiff and it loosened up after a bit which was a relief. We've gone every day this week except Saturday, and plan to do that regularly. Sun/Tue/Thu will be cardio and resistance and Mon/Wed/Fri will be a quick cardio. I met with a trainer to get sorted out and started up again and I really like the routine he made for me. It feels SO GOOD to be exercising again! Never underestimate the power of a workout partner. If any of you have stopped exercising, I highly recommend finding one. There's a good chance you know someone who goes a lot. That makes the difference in my book.


So I was visiting my friend Michele and she posted her Frappr Map and I thought "Hey! Why not?" So, if you would like, add yourself to mine! You can add a photo and a comment and all kinds of crazy crap! Woo!

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