Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Hobo spider.

I’m pretty sure that’s what it was.

After being gone for nearly 3 weeks, I came home and started putting things away. While placing my new body salt in the bathtub I saw it on the side wall, just below the faucet.



You may not know this but I am TERRIFIED of spiders. ESPECIALLY ones that are VERY, VERY POISONOUS.

I try not to kill insects. I don’t know what each of them contribute to the environment for certain and don’t want to go killing them willy-nilly unaware that it’s actually contributing to some eventual horrific eco-catastrophe that could have been avoided if we didn’t go around killing insects all willy-nilly.

You never know.

But this was a special case. Hobo spider venom can, in some cases, cause necrosis.

Necrosis would be the DEATH of SKIN TISSUE.

So I killed it. Specifically I grabbed it off the wall with about 300 yards of toilet paper wadded up in my hand and flushed it down to a watery death.

Karma can understand. It was self-defense.

Surprisingly I was able to sleep just fine last night. This morning I did a quick check to make sure there wasn’t another skin-killing spider hanging out in the shower before I stepped in.

Holy crap.

Oh...and don't feel it's necessary to tell me that spiders flushed down the toilet can survive and come back. I don't want to hear it. It's gone so therefore it's dead.


Via Ferrata said...

You are braver than me. When I see a poisonous spider - I run away screaming.

Pjamms said...

I normally do too but was worried about skin loss.

liljackmonkey said...

I'm so proud of you my brave friend! ;)

Anonymous said...

Let me squish it for your friend. Then again, I know what poisonous spiders in my area look like. We don't have hobos. Just black widows and brown recluses. An occasional (snake) diamondback, and rattlers.

28 years and I've been venom free.

(totally going to get bit tomorrow for tooting my horn)

Anonymous said...

I bet when you get home tonight, you'll hear a soft echo coming from the bathroom....

"Heeeelp meeee!"

Pjamms said...

Jeff Goldblum can kiss my ass. :-P