Friday, May 18, 2007


Hi! I am blogging with my friend Jackie from the coffee house down the street. I just heard someone say "Whasamattayu?" all Hollywood Style like that guy in that movie I can't remember the name of right now. Do you know? Tell me if you do.

Guess what?? Jackie just gave me a 1 GB flash drive!! HOT DAMN!! She is now putting music on a loaner iPod Shuffle for me to workout with as mine broke too. She is just wonderful. I'm so glad we're friends. What the hell would I do without her? I'll tell you what...EXERCISE IN DEAFENING SILENCE. That's what.

Love you Jackie!!

She's wearing a black dress shirt with a pink tie too. That is so hot.

What else is! I started my math class this week! The professor seems very nice and so far I haven't had any major problems with the material. The prognosis is good. Thus far. Yes.

Also I am taking this Wednesday off TO GO TO THE GRAND OPENING OF IKEA DRAPER. I cannot wait. It's going to be an absolute crazy zoo from hell but I don't care. That's not the point. As long as I can walk around a little and have some delicious Scandinavian foodstuffs from the restaurant (you know how much I love Scandinavian foodstuffs) I'll be happy as a

YAY!! My friends Jordan and Kevin are here now! Gotta go!!


Merlin said...

so. are you into lefse?

Pjamms said...

I have no quibbles with lefse. :-)

Merlin said...

BUT. do you LOVE it or even like it a lot? or WHAT.

Pjamms said...


Though I love most foods (sans meats) so that's not a huge surprise.