Thursday, May 10, 2007

Haikus and IKEA

First of all, my friend Jackie took this picture of IKEA Draper with me last Saturday. It must be shared.

Secondly, my friend Jennifer (who is an awesome dog trainer/walker/
everything if you happen to live in San Francisco) and I decided to write each other text messages in haiku form. It was so much fun! We may do it again. For sure. Her dog's name is Merlin, by the way, which will explain one of the messages.

Here is how our conversation went:

Me (taken from a shirt on Threadless):

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

(I totally want that t-shirt)

Her response:

You are so right yo
They seem easy uh sometimes
But sometimes they aren't


Dog watching lady
Merlin's constant friendly face
Warms her heart each day


Utah has good things
One of them is great Michael
Also there's Sundance


People dressed in black
During Sundance walk Main Street
Lost Californians


Paul Newman has won
He is the King of Dressing
Redford looks real olde (sic)


Dude your haikus rock
Texting you is so much fun
While driving my car

(In my defense I was stuck in gridlock)


No haiku and drive
The police frown upon it
We are watching Cops

At this point I told her we had to put these on my blog. She agreed.

Texting a Haiku
Taking the old and the new
Blending into one


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