Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Life is fragile.

If you get the Tribune you probably saw this beautiful story on the front page of Saturday's paper.


It's sad, but it's a wonderful story of love and an amazing display of it's strength. These women are (and were) inspiring. Also it's a reminder to those of us in same-sex relationships to get as much legal protection as we can.

I am highly impressed that the Tribune had the guts to not only cover this, but on THE FRONT PAGE as well with a HUGE picture of the two of them showing affection towards each other.

Seriously I'm going to cry.

Also I'm going to donate to the ALS Foundation.

And renew my Tribune subscription.

Thank you.


Jaicat said...

The link doesn't go to the right story anymore because it's not a current article; it's in the archives now. I'm not sure what search terms to use to find it. Mind redoing your link?

Pjamms said...

Try searching under Jody Lynn Heileson. Try Google. I'm not having luck with the Tribune's website.