Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Land of Confusion

That post title really has nothing to do with the story. It's just the song I'm listening to right now. The one by Genesis with Phil Collins.


Last week I went to a local Chinese place for lunch. The moment I set foot in the lobby I heard raucous laughter coming from the dining room. Not being a fan of sudden, loud, unexpected noises I almost walked out. But the host was just SO friendly I couldn't do it. Reluctantly I took my seat by an elderly couple who were deep in conversation with a server.

My server.

She was very animated discussing dietary choices in great detail with them. I found it funny she was asking them about what foods they recommend she try since, well, we were in a restaurant and all. They went on and on about vegetables and other healthy things as I sat there...waiting. It was just odd because she kept asking question after question (how would you suggest I eat avocados?) after question (can I put sugar on broccoli?) after question and question and question again and again and again.

Good God.

The couple had their food and picked at it slightly while fielding her questions. What surprised me is how polite and willing they were to continue answering her inquiries and offer tips and advice on the best way to enjoy what she asked about.

After awhile she turned and saw I had been waiting. As she came to my table I noticed she was pregnant.


She took my order ticket back to the kitchen and returned to the table with the couple. Through listening (okay, eavesdropping) to them I found out she was new to this country, came out here by herself, was working for the family who owned the restaurant, and was very eager to give this a good shot and assimilate into American culture starting, apparently, with her diet. These people had come in and for whatever reason she thought it was a good idea to ask them what they liked to eat, and ask the wife what she ate while pregnant.

All of this was pretty interesting to listen to from my table. But suddenly, while slurping hot and sour soup, I realized something.

Family has always been a source of strength for me. Whenever I've needed any kind of advice I've always known there was someone I could talk to. To not have that available would leave me feeling so lost and alone. Not only was this woman dealing with a pregnancy, but she was stuck far, far away from her family (and the baby's father) seeking out a caring face for guidance through life and help with fitting in the new land she now called home. Thankfully, those kind people came into the door and were more than willing to talk with her. It must have been such a relief!

That's about when I started feeling guilty.

After the couple finished their meal, the woman HUGGED THE SERVER and wished her all the luck in the world on her pregnancy. They told her they would certainly come back to visit and couldn't wait to meet the baby when he was born.

That's about when I started to get teary.

You know those moments when you not only realize ways in which you could make the world a better place by observing others, but also by doing so your faith in the kindness of strangers is renewed? You know those moments when the day seems a little bit more sunny and the sky a little bit more blue?

Totally had one of those.

I made sure to leave a good tip and smiled big as I left, singing, on my way back to work. It changed the whole afternoon's outlook. Completely.

Things are going to be okay for her. I just know it.

P.S. Holy crap. That song is perfect for this blog post! What are the odds?


AlternateBliss Studio said...

Pass the tissue please. Sniff, that is sweet.

calanan said...

Made my day, this did!

Pjamms said...

Woohoo! I'm glad it did!

*passes Kleenex to AlternateBliss*