Friday, October 13, 2006


Tonight my friend Jackie came over as she does quite often (which is just delightful) and we had dinner again.

It was vegetarian chili...

...with honey cornbread...

...and sorbet with chocolate covered cashews for dessert. It looked goofy. What is it lately with me and the goofy desserts?

Wine was also served of course. We're not barbarians. I highly recommend Barefoot. It is to DIE for.

We had the candle going...

...and good times were had by all.

There's leftover chili in the fridge. I'm going to have it for breakfast because I can.



Anonymous said...

Dat was some damn good chili..and wine..and cornbread..and desert..and OH MY GOD..OH MY GOD..he he (from the movie) that movie is still at your house? Have you watched it again?? he he -j

ruben d. lópez said...

I want honey cornbread. FedEx me some.

Pjamms said...

You gots it!!

*looks up number for FedEx*