Saturday, October 07, 2006

Cell Phone Phun Pics! Clandestine!


Did you have a nice Saturday? I did. My friend Rebecca and I went gallivanting around the town and it was fabulous. Here's what we did as seen from my new phone! Yippee!

We met up for lunch (which SHE paid for!! THANK YOU REBECCA!!) at our favorite Middle Eastern 'straunt called "Mazza." I had the spinach (YES. SPINACH.) and lentil soup with sauteed lentils and veggies with pita bread. Mmm.

Dessert was a pistachio cookie. Nutlicious!!

After lunch we wandered on downtown to Granato's, an Italian market.

I found Torani cinnamon syrup which my coworker has been wanting for some time. Look at all these freakin' syrups!! It's amazing I found it.

After that we went to Talbot's where Rebecca found some delightful outfits for work and I stared out the window.


(Her feet, not mine)

After a phantom in Nordstrom tried to swoop in and steal the latte in my right hand,

Rebecca (who mysteriously now had a latte) and I mused over why not only would a bikini be available in this season, but at full price as well. Craziness!

Then we went home and had dinner.

I haven't had this much fun doing nothing in FOREVER. Woohoo!

Oh's the bat on my desk at work.

He says "Skreeeeeh!!"

Okay not really but it would be cool if he did.


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