Friday, April 07, 2006

Don't touch my oatmeal.


It's been a busy week! Things are settling down and I have some time so let me give you an update!


An accident caused a traffic reroute/jam of GLOBAL proportions resulting in my being 30 minutes late on MY FIRST DAY. Everyone was very understanding and nice to me when I finally arrived which is a good sign. H.R. held an orientation and I proceeded to get lost in the mazework of hallways and breezeways and whatnot in the building. I met a cool lady from Montana, a cool guy from New York and a cool guy from here at the orientation.


I learned more about the computer systems and office workflow stuffity stuff. My supervisor explained the training schedule and showed me more of what I'll be doing. Montana, Cool Local Guy, New York and I all had lunch, then we walked next door to Union Station and gazed upon the lovely tiled murals from the 1800's in the main hall so large and echoey you could hear a cockroach hiccup.


My supervisor showed me more of my duties and various people sat with me at my desk to help. It was nice. Montana, Cool Local Guy and I had lunch. I bought a turkey and provolone sandwich from a local coffeehouse with the most moist, rich, thick whole wheat bread I've ever had on it. Mmm. We went for a walk and looked at the city from the roof of the building. It was SWEET.


Not much happened this day. Pretty much the same things as other days. I worked on some stuff ALL BY MYSELF, had lunch with the same people, and learned more about my job. Oh...and it snowed. IT SNOWED. SNOW. IN APRIL. But other than that it was a normal day.


The snow melted and it was in the high 50's again. Bizarre, no? I went to my first staff meeting and had no idea what anyone was talking about. They reassured me I would know soon enough. Maybe I shouldn't want to know. Heh. Lunch was a scrumptious tuna sammich with the same lurvely peeps and the weather was goregeous. Did I mention there's a HUGE window behind my wall with a view to kill for? Yeah. It's cool.


I don't have time to post as much now because not only has my commute tripled in time, but I'm still working out and have little time to do more than drive home, inhale food, work out and sleep. I will post when I can! Thank you for being so very understanding!

I gotta do laundry...shit.



Wac said...

Whoa Jamalamadingdong. Don't burn yourself out. I mean, who would I have to laugh at? I think someone needs a maid.

Pjamms said...

Rocks - Holy crap! Snow! AAAHH!! It's not snowtime. It's sandaltime.

Wacco - Wanna be my maid big boy??