Thursday, April 13, 2006

Picture Book


I don't have a lot of time but here are some pictures I took whilst on my lunch break and after work. The grey monstrosity is what I see from my window (no, I can't fly, I took the picture from the balcony next door). The "Look" painting is on every crosswalk in town and the street sign and freeway are what I see when going home.



Wac said...

I see in the last pic a burnt out rice burner. Wanna hook up the corolla?

Luna said...

Hawt Dick(ing)s!!!!

Alright!! Let's get some balls. I'm sure Dick's got plenty.

Pjamms said...

You bet 'cho ass he do!!

I'll meet you in the elevator at Dixie Square. I will be in blue polyester pantzz.