Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Would you like some cauliflower?

Last night my mom and I made some purple cauliflower I bought at Liberty Heights Fresh with my birthday giftcard (thank you, Jordan and Kevin). Being the sheltered individual I am, I wasn't aware cauliflower grew purple. I had seen it orange before (it looks like cheese popcorn in a bed of lettuce to me) but not purple! Purple? Purple!

Well, it didn't taste any different BUT it looked REALLY COOL. At first the cauliflower is a light purple - almost lavender. When you steam it, however, it develops a deeper color with tones of blue.

Like THIS:

Isn't that freaky?? I love it!! Most people cringe when their food takes on the appearance of an alien life form but not me! I can't stop looking at it!


We put sea salt and fresh ground black pepper on it with a little butter. Delicious! My friend has a recipe for "Caulirice" which uses a ground head of cauliflower as the "rice". CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW AWESOME IT WOULD LOOK IN PURPLE? What if I added a little orange cauliflower to it? I may have to get some again - no. I HAVE to get some again. This was so cool!

Okay I am calm now.

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