Sunday, September 02, 2007

Spring Roll Stir Fry

On Friday night Jordan, Kevin, Jackie and I thought it would be nice to get together and make spring rolls. I was in charge of bringing the ingredients. Being the forward thinker that I am, I left everything to the very last minute and couldn't find spring roll wrappers ANYWHERE at ANY SUPERMARKET as I rushed, already 20 minutes late, to get the crap we needed.

This is how I felt.

But luckily they're all very easy going people so we made do with what we had. I stir-fried (is that a word?) the veggies and served them on top of the vermicelli rather than rolling it all up in a wrapper. This is what I did.

Michael's Spring Roll Stir Fry

1 large red pepper
1 bunch green onions
1 large cucumber (or zucchini)
1 small bag baby carrots
Garlic salt to taste
Parsley flakes to taste
1 package rice noodles
3T soy sauce

Chop all the vegetables into chunks and simmer with soy sauce, garlic salt and parsley covered on very low heat for about 10 minutes like this.

Don't simmer too long lest they get mushy. Soften the vermicelli in hot water (about 10 minutes after the water comes to a boil - it's on the package) with some parsley while the veggies simmer. Drain the noodles and set aside.

Place a bed of noodles on a plate and pile on the veggies.


Have fun!


ruben d. lópez said...

I'm sure you could've used wonton skins.

Pjamms said...

No I couldn't have. Wonton skins are basically raw pasta and have to be fried...which would negate the whole reasoning behind a light, healthy spring roll experience.

That and they didn't have a Fry Daddy.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fry daddy. Actually I am not easy-going. I was seething with rage all evening.

Pjamms said...

Well you should have told me you were a Fry Daddy! I could have shoved the wonton wrappers down your throat.