Friday, June 08, 2007


Recently I came to a conclusion about myself. I am old enough to state my interests without questioning if they're the right ones for me. I know myself well enough now that I know what I like.

Don't get me wrong. Trying new things has and will always be a part of my life plan, but if I've tried it multiple times and keep getting the same negative result, perhaps it's not something I should attempt any longer.

Basically, I know who I am now.

Best of all, with this revelation came the strength and confidence needed to handle pressure from other people who are downright convinced they know exactly what I need to do/say/attempt/try/etc.

My new response to them:

Thank you kindly for your concern, but my psyche does not need clarification at this time, nor at any time in the foreseeable future. Have a pleasant day.

I refuse to feel bad about myself. Period.

I should clarify.

Nobody, as far as I can tell, has ever tried purposely to make me feel bad about myself. It's just a common reaction when you try something new and it doesn't go well or you don't enjoy yourself. Don't tell me you haven't felt that way before.

There's nothing wrong with it. It just means whatever it was is not for you.


So, that being said, what do I like? These things (grouped in no particular order):

I like to write.
I like to cook.
I like to photograph what I cook (when it's not awful).
I like to drive.
I like to travel to new places.

I like to try new restaurants.
I like to listen to music.
I like to window shop.
I like wine.
I like to take pictures of myself making funny faces.

I like to search for obscure information online.
I like to learn about obscure countries online.
Me gusta hablando y escritando en espaƱol.
I like chocolate.
I like cookies.

I like cake.
I like pizza.
I like sushi.
I like enchiladas made with tofu.
I like anything made with tofu.

I like the boxes Parmalat milk comes in.
I like anything made with lingonberries.
I like IKEA.
I like how the inside of a Trader Joe's smells.
I like how Southern California smells (yes, it has its own scent).

I like how the ocean smells.
I like cold weather.
I like coffee.
I like sunshine (go figure).
I like 80's pop music and jazz.

I like being alone.

I like walking past a band playing live jazz (just walking past).
I like palm trees.
I like mountains.
I like the smell of magnolias.
I like the sound of birds outside.

I like walking around with no shoes on.
I like reading poems.
I like watching the Weather Channel.
I like cleaning to 80's pop music.
I like folding socks.

I like wearing shorts.
I like laying in the grass.
I like grocery shopping.
I like both crunchy and creamy peanut butter.
I like setting bugs free rather than killing them.

I like driving on freeways.
I like large malls.
I like the sound of traffic.
I like driving in heavy traffic.
I like airports.

That's all I can think of for now. Basically, this is me. If you're interested, let me know. If you're not, that's okay. I wish you a wonderful life anyhow. :-)

More to come...

Oh...and know those vitamin C tablets flavored with orange? The crunchy ones?

I really like those too.


liljackmonkey said...

ditto on the tablets. mmmm

Via Ferrata said...

We have so much in common. You have very good taste!