Monday, June 25, 2007

Blogging? On a WEEKNIGHT??

Yes. Yes I am.

Because I am housesitting for Shelley my laptop can connect to the wireless network they have. Due to this fact, I can blog ON A MONDAY NIGHT. NOT IN A COFFEE SHOP.


Lucky is adorable as ever. He keeps coming over here and licking my feet though. I don't get that. It tickles too.

There he goes again. Tee hee.

It's been nice to be here. It's always nice to be here. It's quiet and Lucky is fun to play with. I can't have a dog at my apartment so babysitting one is the next best thing. Speaking of that, I will be watching Bogie July 1st - 11th AND during that time my friend is coming to visit me ALL THE WAY FROM CANADA.

Yes! Canada!

We're going to have so much fun! Originally she was going to stay at my place but my parents asked if I could housesit for them so we're staying over there. We'll have tons more room and she won't have to sleep on the living room floor (hurrah).

Though I suppose she could sleep on the living room floor if she REALLY wanted to.


Next week will be interesting. I work Monday and Tuesday, I'm off Wednesday for the 4th, then I work Thursday, then I'm off Friday through the following Tuesday to be with my friend. Focusing on work is going to be HARD.

Hey I just realized something. This laptop has a trackpad as well as an external mouse. If you're writing a document you can move the cursor with the trackpad instead of fiddling with the arrow keys! Then for other jobs you have an external mouse making it easier!

Good GOD. Did I just write that?? A paragraph about TRACKPADS and MOUSES?

Yeah it's time to go. Maybe this is why I don't blog on Monday nights.


P.S. Yes the plural form of computer mouse is "mouses" because I said so.

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