Monday, March 19, 2007

My nose is tingling/Mi nariz siente hormigueo

I have no idea if that title is correct but I don't care. I did my best and that's all that matters.

I was sitting here all peaceful on the computer when there was a tickle just under my lower left eyelid. That lead to a BORRAGE of GUNFIRE sneezes rendering me breathless, teary and red-faced wondering what the HELL just happened.

Spring is here, my friends.

What else? Oh...there are some really pretty apartments I wanted to look into. After talking to my mom (who was a social worker for years), she told me that area was a haven for drugs and crime and I was to avoid it like the plague.


Work was awful. I don't even want to start on that.

Oh yeah...I feel fat today too. YAY!

Was your Monday as shitty as mine?

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