Friday, March 30, 2007

I just had to say this.


I was cutting out articles from the paper at work and a resident in Draper wrote an editorial about how Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson was unfairly blasted by Bill O'Reilly on FoxNews. Bill just insulted him and cut the interview short (as is his modus operandi).

Bill O'Reilly bothers me for that reason. He doesn't allow any points of view outside his (and FoxNews) to be expressed. He blasts people with differing opinions using incendiary insults designed to stun the interviewee and strengthen support for his side of the issue at hand.

That is not an interview.

Well...the reason I'm mentioning this is because the guy who wrote the article lives in Draper. Draper, as my friend and I determined, could be accurately described as "Children of The Corn meets Stepford Wives."

It's a creepy, creepy place.

They might even polish the gutters.

Which is fine if you like that sort of thing.

I don't.

The fact that someone there not only has this opinion, but is willing to express it publicly in the paper makes me feel just a bit less isolated here.

Just a bit.

Here is the letter. You may want to consider the author's advice.

Rocky's right
Public Forum Letter
Article Last Updated: 03/23/2007 09:11:47 PM MDT

Just days after Fox News abruptly canceled his debate with Sean Hannity, Mayor Rocky Anderson had to know he was stepping into a buzz saw when he appeared on "The O'Reilly Factor" on March 20 to defend his call to impeach President Bush.
In true Fox fashion, conservative pundit Bill O'Reilly was openly hostile, constantly interrupting Rocky to call him "foolish," "kooky" and "insane" before cutting the interview short. O'Reilly's smear tactics backfired as usual, further exposing him for what he is: (Fox owner) Rupert Murdoch's propagandist.
So much for "We report. You decide." We wouldn't want the world to learn anything, now would we? Here was a chance to hear Anderson, a great patriot, speak for millions of Americans who are fed up with the right-wing agenda. Whether you agree with Rocky's politics or not, surely you'll agree that an open dialogue is essential to a healthy democracy. These so-called "news" organizations are supposed to keep us informed, not ignorant.
So I plan to do the only fair and balanced thing: boycott Fox News.

Todd Ouzts

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