Sunday, March 18, 2007

Belated post/Tarde escritura


I am so, so sorry. I will never say "Holy Snot" again. That was lame. I mean, holy snot.

ANYWAY...let me tell you about my weekend! I don't have pictures this time BUT STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THAT JIBBA JABBA.


My friend Rebecca (the Cajun one, not the one from last weekend) asked if I would go with her to the airport to get her hubbie. We had a VERY NICE dinner at Cafe Trio where THE HOTTEST SERVERS ON THE FRIGGING PLANET made sure we were taken care of. Heh.

*daydreams about hott servers*

What? after dinner Rebecca drove me by the old apartment in Sugarhouse where she lived before meeting Michael (hubbiebubbie). It's an adorable attic apartment on top of a cute old house. Down the street was the brick house they used in several episodes of "Touched By An Angel."

Yes, the show was filmed here.

Yes, I see the irony.

This is also interesting: FLIM SALT LAKE

Anyhow, we grabbed some dinner at Wild Oats (soon to be Whole Foods) for Michael and picked him up. It was nice to "hang out" with the two of them, even if it was just a ride home from the airport. They are funny. Very funny.


On Saturday my mom and I went to Weight Watchers. I lost 5.6 pounds so far (6 weeks) and that was cool to find out. It would be nice to have lost a little more, but as soon as those soccer moms were clapping and woohoo-ing for me and they gave me my gold sticker with a 5 on it, I was okay.

My mom actually told the speaker too. I wasn't going to say anything. Thanks mom. I like my sticker. :-)

Immediately after that my mom had a hair appointment so we went to the salon and I drove around town in her car. That makes perfect sense, doesn't it? It was a GORGEOUS day. Absolutely wonderful. I'm glad it was her car because she has a sunroof. So very nice.

We met up and went to Olive Garden for lunch. They have good soup. The weather is getting warmer which is great, but that means soup may not be as tempting as it was a few months ago. All the more reason to have had soup, right?

I went home after this, did laundry (DO ME!), and met Jackie at her friend Amanda's house. We watched "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and played racing games on Playstation. I forgot how fun it is to play those. Especially when you drift into the wall at 175 mph. Hee hee hee!

Kids...don't try that at home. Or something.

All in all it was a lovely day.


On Sunday I took pictures around the area for "26 Things" which my friends and I have decided to do. So far I have 9 pictures. When it's all done I'll post the link to my Flickr account.

Now I am listening to Madonna's "Holiday" on iTunes and thinking about going to bed.

I am so exciting you don't even know it.

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