Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Remember the last post with its random reference to Frank? Every time I'm referring to an anonymous person, for some reason, I pull "Frank" out of the hat. Some people use Joe, some use John Doe, I use Frank. For a short period of time I actually knew a Frank, but that time has long since passed and nobody has filled the Frank spot since then. Nobody even in my family is named Frank. It just seems so ambiguous and distant to me which makes it the perfect name to use.

Well Frank is real.

As I came down the hall to work this morning, a message was scrawled across the giant markerboard on the wall. It read (sic):

To whom it may consern,

I done the carpets as best I could, I will finish it Sat.


The custodian, who I have seen and said hi to is named Frank. He has filled the Frank spot. A new anonymous name must be chosen! (Yes, I admit the fact not knowing his name reflects poorly on me. Lesson learned.) So what name could it be? I was thinking "Lembert." Nobody in my circle, nor any others I would imagine, sports that name.

By the way, the carpets looked awesome. Thank you Frank. I look forward to seeing them after Saturday too.