Saturday, September 30, 2006

Pictures of Suburbia

I took these while running errands today. I don't know if it's because I grew up in the Western U.S. "Mallburbs" or what, but it makes me comfortable knowing these places are nearby and I like to go to them. It must be a feeble subconscious attempt at etching out an identity for myself or something. Weird.

Oh yeah and there are some mountains too.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Take On Me.

I just got back from dinner at T.G.I. Friday's with some friends. I ordered sangria and didn't feel a thing from drinking it. This might be due to the fact I ate and had lots of water, but I really think they don't put much alcohol in their drinks. None of this really matters though. Who cares?

Anyway, I don't really have much to say. Not anything interesting. I'm just really mellow and relaxed listening to music and thought I'd share my relaxitudeness with you. Be relaxed. It's awesome. Aaaaaah.'s a picture of pie. Mmm. Pie.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


You know what song is stuck in my head today? No, it's not Rod Stewart's "Love Touch" again. It's "I Love Your Smile" by Shanice. It brings back memories.


It doesn't help that it's playing on iTunes right now. You know how people say you should play a song if you can'tDO DO DO DO DOOO DOOO DA DOO...I LOVE YOUR SMIIIILEget it out of your head? Well to be honest I don't thinkGONNA PUT THAT NEW BLACK MINI...ON MY CHARGE ANYWAYit works as well as it's supposed to. Because I love your smile.

You dig?

Wait. What?? GAH!! I have to turn this off!!

Okay. Now it's L.A. Song by Beth Hart. God this song is so sad. I love it but it's sad. Hmm...I'll switch to Adina Howard "Freak Like Me."

Ahh. That's better.

We can BOOM BOOM all through the night 'til early moooorn...

So anyway everything is lovely. How are you?? Is everything good?


Adina says hey. I'm going to sleep now.

One to the two to the two to the three...Adina do ya wanna get freaky with me?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Regardez mon baggage.

My friend wanted to see the carry-on bag I wax rhapsodic about ad nauseum. I hope these pictures help illustrate to her how very smooshy yet load-bearing and cavernous it is.

Here you go! Let me know if you need anything else Honeypie and kick some ass in Italy! Woo!

(Psst!! Guess where she's going??)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

Test post

Just a test post of an old video I made you've probably already seen. Move along. Move along.

(Of course you are welcome to watch it if you haven't seen it and tell me how fabulous it know...if you have nothing else to do. Heh. :-P)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Le petit dejeuner

Michael, Rebecca and I went to brunch in the canyon and then took a drive through the mountains. It was fabulous. Here are the pictures! Check out the EATS!! MMM!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Bring me a Kleenex/Apportez-moi une Kleenex

I am stuffy headed sickish. I've been sleeping all day and refuse to leave my apartment because it's FREEZING (47F) outside and would just make me sicker. More sick. Further my illness. Whatever.

I overheard this conversation yesterday in the supermarket. It made me chuckle.

Guy: We could make a casserole.
Girl: Mmm. I like those.
Guy: (In exaggerated Frenchie accent) Vous-desirez une casserole?
Girl: Do I want a casserole? Yeah I do.
Guy: I don't know how to say "casserole" in French otherwise I would have.
Girl: There isn't a word for "casserole" I don't think. They eat real food.
Guy: Real food?
Girl: Yeah. Like...meat. With side dishes and stuff.
Guy: (In Cartman voice) Aaaaaand what side dishes will we be enjoying with our waffles tonight?
Guy: (As Cartman) Am I to understand there will be no side dishes?
Guy: (As Kenny's father) You just don't know how to use spices and stuff...

and so on and so forth. Laughter ensued. Including mine. It was awesome.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Remember the last post with its random reference to Frank? Every time I'm referring to an anonymous person, for some reason, I pull "Frank" out of the hat. Some people use Joe, some use John Doe, I use Frank. For a short period of time I actually knew a Frank, but that time has long since passed and nobody has filled the Frank spot since then. Nobody even in my family is named Frank. It just seems so ambiguous and distant to me which makes it the perfect name to use.

Well Frank is real.

As I came down the hall to work this morning, a message was scrawled across the giant markerboard on the wall. It read (sic):

To whom it may consern,

I done the carpets as best I could, I will finish it Sat.


The custodian, who I have seen and said hi to is named Frank. He has filled the Frank spot. A new anonymous name must be chosen! (Yes, I admit the fact not knowing his name reflects poorly on me. Lesson learned.) So what name could it be? I was thinking "Lembert." Nobody in my circle, nor any others I would imagine, sports that name.

By the way, the carpets looked awesome. Thank you Frank. I look forward to seeing them after Saturday too.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Hello!! Long time no see!! How've you been? Really? Yeah. Me too. Things are good. I've been so busy at work! Totally!! Well tell Frank I said hi and you take care, okay?

Who the hell is Frank? Whatever. Moving on...

I drink boxed milk. This freaks people out.

You see, there's a milk out there called "UHT", "Under High Temperature" or "Shelf Stable." It's boxed in a really thick, aseptic package and sealed from the elements so you CAN KEEP IT IN YOUR CABINET FOR UP TO 6 MONTHS OR UNTIL YOU WANT TO USE IT WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. When you need milk you can put one of these babies in your fridge and it's good! Real good! I use it all the time and I haven't suffered any ill effects and it tastes just like normal milk because it IS normal MILK.

See...if I could tell you how many jugs and cartons of milk I've thrown out because they turn to gooey gnasty shizz before they are used you would laugh. Maybe you wouldn't though because WE ALL DO THE SAME THING.

We waste things. It's the American Way.

BUT I REFUSE to do that. I am not wasting any more milk and I urge you to do the same! Buy boxed milk! Save the rainforest! Go green! Recycle! Use your bicycle!

Please see attached photo for reference. It's dairylicious!

Friday, September 01, 2006



I was sitting here at work thinking how nice it would be to have some cake and RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT my boss walked in with a chocolate oreo cake made FROM SCRATCH by his grandma.

It was, by far, the FINEST cake I have been privy to. MMMMMMMMMMM. The frosting was actual CHOCOLATE. She melted CHOCOLATE and ICED the CAKE with MELTED CHOCOLATE.

Oop. Somebody's yelling in the hallway. Back to work!