Saturday, February 04, 2006


Hey hey!

So I just went to dinner with a really good friend of mine. We went to this incredible Lebanese place called Mazza on 15th and 15th (locals, you know what I'm talking about). The food was incredible and the atmosphere very pleasant. Warm beige walls adorned with colorful Middle Eastern art surrounded us and cream tile floors provided a base for our table graced with a maroon and gold tapestry. We had grilled chicken and vegetable kebabs which came on a bed of basmati rice accompanied with potatoes harra (sauteed in olive oil and spices) Lebanese salad (LEMONLICIOUS!) and a side of the most incredible curried yogurt you could ever wish for.


I decided to have the Lebanese table wine (White) to go with dinner at the server's suggestion. He brought me a glass and it was very good. My friend and I chatted about various and sundry and I decided to drink some water. As I put the water glass down it tapped the side of the wine glass and SHATTERED THE EVER-LOVING SHIT OUT OF IT.

Didn't see that one coming didja?

A hush fell over the (now seemingly cavernous) room as everyone looked to see what happened. Three servers in black serverwear converged on our table with towels and whisked the whole mess away before we could say boo. I apologized but I don't think they heard it. The hostess came by and asked what wine I had and quickly brought a new glass. We finished dinner and got the bill. I noticed the charge for one glass of wine and did a quick calculation in my head:

"Wait a minute...I broke the first was almost empty...they brought me a new one because the first one broke...and...HEY!! I GOT A FREE GLASS OF WINE!! HOT DAMN!!"

You see, there was about a sip left in the first one so I basically got some free booze!! It was such a great moment. A small surprise, but a nice one nontheless.'s my tip for the day. If you want some free wine, all you have to do is drink down the first glass until it's almost empty, break it and they'll GIVE YOU A NEW ONE FOR FREE. GENIUS!!



Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's so you're too drunk to notice when you bite into the glass that fell on your plate!


Via Ferrata said...

Another glass always lifts the spirits!


p.s. its Funky Monkey
Chunky Monkey is the beautiful step-sister we all love from Ben and Jerry's.

Via Ferrata said...

Another glass always raises the spirits!!

P.S. Its FUNKY MONKEY. Chunkey Monkey is the beautiful step-sister of funky monkey conceived by our good friends Ben and Jerry.


Pjamms said...

Aaaaah! I see!

That makes so much more sense now!

Wac said...

I see your toes in that picture.