Wednesday, May 07, 2008

My computer died.

Died as in "won't even turn back on". Thankfully it's under warranty (for about 72 more hours) so there won't be a charge, but I have to ship it off to Hewlett-Packard for the repair.


I could go on and on about how annoying the whole thing is and how this experience has significantly altered my preference in personal computing devices but I won't. There's no need. We've all been there before. At least, thus far, the process has been pretty quick and painless - plus they're paying the shipping cost - so kudos to HP for that, but still. Yeah. Shouldn't happen in the first place.

LUCKILY my dad has a computer (which is how I wrote this).

HOWEVER he uses said computer. Regularly. It is his computer, after all.

As a result, there are LONG STRETCHES of time that pass with nary an internet connection to be had - but where there isn't internet, there are ART SUPPLIES.

I did both of these in one night.



Anonymous said...

Um . . . interesting. My computer died on Tuesday. Personally, I think we have way too many coincidences. Pretty coincidental, eh?

Pjamms said...

What a coincidence!


Dr Chucky said...

Dude, when is Glompy becoming a t-shirt and/or mug and/or bumper sticker? Fo' realz yo!

Pjamms said...

Hahaha! Thanks dood!

I dunno about a shirt/mug/bumpersticker, but maybe SOMEONE might get a PRINT of Glompyness in the MAIL if they PROVIDED a STREET ADDRESS at their EARLIEST CONVENIENCE...heh heh heh...