Thursday, May 29, 2008


Sorry it's been so long. You know how that can happen though. I just...leave...for awhile and come back later. Heh. It's great. Admit it. You love it.

Actually, when I was in San Francisco there was a show on about blogs on NPR and they covered two main topics: How to determine if a blog is real and how to avoid the dreaded "Cheese Sandwich Blog" Syndrome.

If posts suddenly just STOP and the blogger comes back later with a "sorry I've been away at horse riding camp" or "my aunt Merna and I went to China" or some such thing, you know the blog you're reading is written by a REAL PERSON and not some staff of a newspaper somewhere pretending to be a person.

That's me. Totally keepin' it real.

Then, apparently, someone once wrote "Today I had a cheese sandwich" on their blog way back in the infancy of blogging, prompting the Interworld to ask "Why? Why the hell should we care? We're sitting at work, risking our jobs that we despise to read your daily comings and goings and that is all you have to say? It's enough to make us stop this and do some work!"

Or something like that.

In any case, the point was that if you don't have something interesting to say, don't bother. This has been my problem. Adding to that is the fact I have eaten quite a few cheese sandwiches blogging has been downright out of the question.


Actually yesterday.

Yesterday we had a staff meeting at work and I officially told my coworkers about moving to Oregon. I started out with "July 15th will be my last day" and there was an audible gasp in the room.

I was not expecting that.

It made finishing my sentence even harder.

I yammered something like "...sobecauseIamumrelocatingtoOregonumyeah." and looked at my hands. They were shaking.

Now most of you may be going "It's just a job. Get over it, drama queen." and you would be partially right. I can take things too seriously sometimes. But this has been FAR more than just a job to me. When I was going to lose my previous position from a cut in funding, that place took me in and gave me the relief of not only a job, but a job where I was already comfortable and familiar with the surroundings. I was given a job in a lower position than I had held before (technical writer to office assistant) and never, ever, ever felt less important than anyone else in the department or cheated out of status. My boss has been amazing. My other coworkers have been amazing. I have made friends there. They have come over to my house for dinner.

Basically, leaving will be really, really hard for me. There is nothing more exciting and desirable than the opportunity to make a fresh start in a new, captivating city with tons of things seemingly tailor-made just for me, but in exchange I have to leave my job.

My awesome job.

I'll be ok. I'll get over it. Once I hit the Columbia River Gorge I don't think it will sting nearly as much (TREES!) and I know my coworkers are happy for me...but still, I know going to work may never be like it has been again. It may be, dare I say it, NORMAL.

Here's hoping there's another abnormal job for me out there in Oregon.



Jenn said...

I just want to say that I know what you're going through...I, too, left a wonderful job at Weber to move to Portland. That was six years ago, and while I never found another job quite like that one, I have been comforted every single day by the fact that I live in the best city EVER. I hope you find this to be the case for yourself as well. Oh, and you better let me know when you arrive so that we can get together! I mean it!

Anonymous said...


Have I mentioned yet how crazy excited I am about you moving here? :)

Pjamms said...

J: Oh thank you! That is very encouraging!! Where did you work at Weber? It's such a great place. Would this be the "J" I'm thinking it is?


Merlin said...

see? you have mass support.

you better stop and have COFFEE WITH ME on your way up. or else.

i'm proud of you!

Pjamms said...

Thank you very much! You're right. I do!

Jenn said...

I prefer to simply remain the mysterious J. Kidding. :) This is Jenn M(to the c to the B to the r to the i to the d to the e). Yes, I do read your blog (I have to keep up with you somehow after you disappeared from MySpace! Hope it's not too creepy or weird for you), and I think it's awesome that you're moving up here. I really do think you'll love it. Before moving up here I was working in Facilities Management at Weber, and I had the exact same experience as you when the time came to tell them I was moving. It was hard as hell, but things worked out and I'm as happy as can be. You're going to love Portland!

Pjamms said...


I was so hoping it was you! Yay!

This is seriously awesome. YES we WILL hang'll LOVE Becka. She is so cool!

Follow me all you want. Totally not creepy.

Yay! :)

Yes It's Me :) said...

Good luck on this new journey my friend!!

Pjamms said...

Oh thank you! I'll be posting about OUR new journey soon too!

(No, Jeannie and I are not getting married.)

Jenn said...

I'm so excited to meet cool Becka! :) And you'll get to meet my super awesome hubby (who thinks it's great you're moving up here, btw, and who is a huge foodie and other such cool things just like you) - woohoo! Does my email address magically appear to you when I post a comment? If so, make sure you use it (or else! *squinting my eyes menacingly*), and if not then I will most definitely be supplying you with it. Yay for Portland and friends and fun! :)

Pjamms said...

Oh awesome! I am even MORE excited now!!! Your husband sounds delightful, and I already know YOU are. Can someone say "FOODIE NIGHT?"

You know what's funny? My COUSIN and her husband are moving up there too! In July! Just like me!

We could totally start a commune.

Send me a comment with your email address and I won't publish it. Then neither one of us will have to post ours on here for the whole world to spam.

Also Pringles. Mmm.


Dr Chucky said...

See, I'm excited about you moving to Becka-land. That's how contagious the aweseomeness of a new start in an awesome place with awesome people is.


Pjamms said...


Thank you for your excitement. :)