Thursday, December 07, 2006

Craquelins avec Rachael

I can't stop eating these Triscuits.



My hand keeps going back into that little yellow box adorned with Rachael Ray's poised, saccharine-sweet Shirley Templefied visage for more whole grain crunchy goodness. When did she become a Nabisco sponsor? I do believe I have consumed by body weight in Triscuits at this point. That's not a small number, folks.

Damn you Rachael.

Damn you.

That is all.

(P.S. Yes I realize this is not her fault. I just wanted someone to blame. She's quite nice, actually and I'm glad her recipes are on the boxes now. Those sweet, sweet boxes. Mmmmmm.)


Wac said...

Shuddap. Your proportions are just fine.

ruben d. lópez said...

she gets annoying. even duff goldman agrees that she's flat.