Monday, August 21, 2006

Eau de toilette

Okay so it wasn't so bad. I wore loose-fitting beige cargo pants (NICE Banana Republic ones) and a brown polo shirt with those leather clog things I have. It worked. People were dressed about as well as me. Whew!

The event was under a HUGE tent on the west lawn. It was very festive and wedding receptionish with lovely music and all that, HOWEVER, there was no french toast. Eggs, salsa potatoes and bacon (?) but no french toast - actually no bread for that matter. It's okay though because I really don't need more french toast or bread. After breakfast a speaker came and we got to answer panel questions with these little clicker remote things a la American Idol but without the music and scary performances. My coworker refused to use the one we had to share. I wonder why? After that we listened to some other speakers, had horrible allergy attacks, then ran back inside to our offices for the allergy meds we keep in the drawers.

Overall it was fine. The day went superfast after that and I came home and fell asleep about 6 p.m. for two hours because I'm responsible like that.


I need more excitement. Maybe I'll take up skydiving. Anybody want to join me?



Wac said...

AY! Skydiving is on of those things I've GOTTA do while here. I'm in!

Let's say meet in, I don't know, Alabama, Texas, somewhere more in between? Charter a flight, jump, scream like crazy asses, laugh like hell when we hit the ground.

Sounds good to me.

Pjamms said...


I am totally there.