Sunday, August 20, 2006

Creme de la poop

Tomorrow is the staff opening breakfast where I work.

This means I have to dress up.

My friend and coworker told me "This means no shorts or jeans." Then she laughed.

Ha ha.

What she doesn't understand is that I HATE wearing tight, stiff clothing. Being fat (yeah...I said it...FAT) and male means I not only have a large, flobby midsection but also ONE CHOICE as to what I may wear. Pants and a shirt tucked into said pants. Sucking in all that extra body fat so that you can sardine yourself into nasty polyester pants which feel as flowy as a plastic sock (pleated for extra roominess my ASS), and compromising your internal organs every time you so much as move GOD FORBID sit down DOES NOT SOUND LIKE A FUN WAY TO SPEND A MONDAY MORNING.

But this is work. Nobody ever said it was supposed to be fun.

So I must sausage case myself tomorrow morning. No excuses. The pants are in the closet pressed and the shirt is alongside them. You have no idea how much I am dreading this.

All I can say is they'd better have french toast.

Do you think they'd freak if I showed up in a toga?


Via Ferrata said...

There should serve french toast next year. Ooh and belgian waffles.

Via Ferrata said...

There should serve french toast next year. Ooh and belgian waffles.

Pjamms said...

Ferrata, I agree completely. We should have put that on the comment papers!!

Rocks, I will shop for woollen pants as soon as the weather doesn't roast my insides. Good idea!