Thursday, November 01, 2007

People, people everywhere...

I went out to lunch today at McDonald’s.

Yes, McDonald’s.

Honestly the grilled chicken sandwich with a side salad is pretty tasty. Don’t groan until you’ve tried it. Also it is cheap. Again…don’t groan until you’ve tried it.

ANYWAY that isn’t the point. What happened while I was there is what this post will be about.

I sat down with my tray at a table next to a couple obviously involved in a deep, tense conversation. The woman was facing my table and the man had his back to me. She looked over as I sat down with that “I really wish you weren’t sitting next to us” look on her face.

There wasn’t anywhere else to sit.

The couple had finished eating and sat in silence, staring at each other. The woman was in scrubs and the man was in coveralls and work boots. Occasionally the woman would make a brief comment about her job (like “I miss the day shift nurses. They are nicer during the day shift”) which would be met with stern silence from the man. She would look down at her soda, then off to the side, then back at him. Then she’d make another comment and the cycle would repeat itself.

This occurred about 3 or 4 times until, without any warning, the man got up and walked off with his tray. He dumped it in the garbage and went directly outside to his truck, leaving the woman at the table. She wandered around a bit looking nervous, threw out her trash, got on her cell phone, and then joined him in his truck outside. They drove off together to who knows where.

Think of all the different ways you could interpret that situation. So many ways! I kept wondering what possibly could have happened between them to prompt it. Were they lovers meeting for a lunchtime rendezvous? Were they a married couple on the brink of divorce? Were they total strangers who were about to knock off someone they mutually hate? WHO KNOWS??

People watching is captivating sometimes, isn’t it?


Anonymous said...

Obviously terrorists, ya wingnut.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was autistic.


Pjamms said...

Possible...but he looked REALLY angry and was driving. So I don't know.

Personally the "Knocking Off a Mutually Hated Person" idea is much more alluring to me.

AlternateBliss Studio said...

lol at the terrorist comment.

You remind me of the movie "Amelie"