Friday, July 24, 2009

So it begins...

Today is July 24th. It is also the 12 month anniversary of my setting foot on Oregon soil. This time last year, I had just stopped with my friend Becka and we checked into the HolidaySuperBestFloralCurtain SupremeContinentalBreakfastWhatever motel just off I-84 in Pendleton and talked the night through making excited plans of what we were going to do when-

No, actually. That's not quite right.

We stopped in Pendleton, but FIRST visited the supermarket TO BUY A BOTTLE OF WINE for two reasons.

1. Celebrate!

2. Lavish in the fact I CAN DO THAT NOW WHENEVER I WANT!

For you see, dear children, wine is not sold anywhere in the great State of Utah save for the state run liquor stores (unrefrigerated), which create all the ambiance and atmosphere of your local DMV (now with more beige!) so, to celebrate no longer needing to purchase alcohol from a dispensary unit (i.e. placing a chit in the chute and hoping for zinfandel), I made sure to buy wine at the supermarket!


Seriously. I am still not over that. Walking through the supermarket has not been the same for me since last July.


Then we drank the entire bottle and talked the night through making excited plans yadda yadda I already said that part.

THE NEXT MORNING...we awoke with slight hangovers and made our way gingerly through the Gorge and into Portland.

It was the most exciting drive I have ever made in my life.


Now I am here. Now I am employed. Now my employer HAS OFFERED ME A CONTRACT EXTENSION FOR TWO YEARS (oh did I mention that?) and have absolutely no regrets. My boyfriend (who is an Oregon native, by the way) once said "You know, Oregon looks good on you."

I couldn't agree more.

So let's see what the next 12 months bring. After my experiences and everything else I've been through this past 12, I am ready for damn near anything!

So happy. :)


calanan said...

A year already! Congratulations on that and the job!

Pjamms said...

Thank you very much!

Nicolette said...

I'm so happy for you!