Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Blogging 3.0


I am currently on campus, lounging on a bench in a brick-paved plaza directly next to a lake with an enormous fountain. In front of me is a cream and sandstone colored building with a massive, tree-covered mountain spotted with tan cliffs as a backdrop. The air is dry and cool and I am surrounded by beautiful desert native brush and trees. The fountain is going full force and my typing is orchestrated with a steady "Wooooosh" of the aqueous spray - which also creates a cool breeze. It's getting darker but lampposts abound, casting plenty of light though the sun hasn't set despite it's 9 p.m. Through the trees, the Visual Arts building glows in all it's post-modern glassy splendor and not a single person is around to break the silence.

Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe blogging cannot possibly get any more fantastic than this.

Oh...did I mention this connection is FREE and SECURED by the university? Also that this is a block from my apartment?


I am in blogging heaven.

That, and I am a total nerd.

Oooh...I should bring my webcam next time. Hee hee hee.

Should I feel guilty?


Via Ferrata said...

Sometimes the lake smells like broccoli.

Pjamms said...

Thank you for pointing that out. :-P