Thursday, July 13, 2006



Sometimes the most simple thing can bring so much pleasure, can't it? I took a frozen Tilapia fillet and mango peach salsa from Costco (THANKS MOM!!), dumped them in a dish and baked at 375 for 45 minutes.


What would have made it better would be a nice glass of Rioja but I'm about to go to hydroaerobics. I don't think pool-based exercise and booze mix too well.


Oh! On the happy note, my friend went to Florida for a week and a half so she gave me her share of produce from the collective farm she belongs to (no, it's not a kibbutz or something, she pays a yearly fee and picks up fresh veggies every few weeks). These are the crunchiest, tastiest most flavorful veggies I have ever had. I am chewing on a cucumber right now. MMMMM. You can join for about $180/season and I may do that next year. It works out to around $8 a week. $8 of DELICIOUSNESS if you ask me. And you did. Didn't you?

I am so making veggie soup. Does anyone have chicken stock?

When did this become a foodie blog?

What was that noise?

Did you hear that?

It sounded like...


No it's the neighbor.

Anyway my new job is excellent and everyone there is really nice. I'm thinking of finishing out my Associates degree in Spring so I can take my sweet time finishing my Bachelors as general education credits expire after 10 years and mine are almost 8 years old. Did I mention tuition is free now with this new gig? Yes. FREE. You know what I'm going to do now, don't you?


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